61 Travel Tips: Become the Ultimate Savvy Traveler

The art of being a savvy traveler doesn't come naturally to most individuals. It is a skill that can only be acquired through firsthand experiences on the road. Becoming travel-savvy is a gradual journey marked by instances of missed buses, occasional foolishness, cultural unfamiliarity, and numerous minor mistakes. However, as time passes, there comes a moment when you effortlessly navigate airports and effortlessly adapt to new cultures, just like a fish in water.

At the outset, you tend to make numerous travel mistakes.

However, to assist you in accelerating the learning curve and steering clear of the mistakes I have frequently made, I have compiled an extensive list of my top travel tips. This comprehensive collection encompasses a wide range of topics, equipping you with valuable insights to unlock your true potential as a seasoned traveler.

Over the course of the past sixteen years as a nomad, I have acquired and honed these tips through personal experience and exploration.

By implementing these travel tips, you will not only be able to save money, but also improve your sleep quality, venture off the conventional tourist path, connect with locals, and ultimately enhance your overall travel experience. These insights are designed to empower you to become a more skilled and enlightened traveler.

Without any delay, I present to you the finest collection of 61 travel tips from around the globe:

1. Always pack a towel.

Having a towel with you is crucial not only for successful galactic hitchhiking but also for exercising plain common sense. Its usefulness can arise unexpectedly, be it for lounging at the beach, enjoying a picnic, or simply drying off after a refreshing shower. While some hostels may provide towels, it's always uncertain, and carrying a compact towel won't significantly burden your bag.

Opt for a lightweight and quick-drying towel as regular ones tend to be bulky, heavy, and slow to dry. Personally, I highly recommend Dry Fox travel towels (don't forget to use the code "nomadicmatt" for a 15% discount on your purchase) as they have become my favorite choice for this purpose.

2. Use a small backpack/suitcase.

To encourage packing light and prevent the burden of excessive belongings, I recommend investing in a smaller backpack, ideally in the range of 35 to 45 liters. This limited capacity will compel you to be mindful of what you pack. It's human nature to feel inclined to fill available space. Even if you start with a light load, having ample room in your bag may tempt you to think, "Well, I suppose I can fit more," ultimately leading to unnecessary items occupying that extra space. Regrettably, you will later find yourself carrying around a plethora of belongings that serve no purpose, adding unnecessary weight and strain on your shoulders.

I personally favor the Flash Pack from REI as my preferred bag choice. However, there are other reputable companies that offer high-quality backpacks worth considering. Osprey, Nomatic, and MEC (for Canadians) are among these notable brands known for their excellent bag offerings.

For further guidance on selecting the ideal travel backpack that suits your specific requirements, I recommend referring to the article that provides a comprehensive array of tips. This resource will assist you in navigating through various factors and considerations to find the perfect backpack for your travel adventures.

The same principle applies to suitcases as well. Avoid opting for a large suitcase as they can be cumbersome to carry, particularly when embarking on long-term travels (though they may be more manageable for short-term trips). Personally, I find Level 8 suitcases to be an excellent choice. They offer durability, ample space, attractive designs, and reasonable prices (considering luggage can be quite costly). Additionally, they feature a TSA lock integrated into the zipper for added convenience and security. To learn more about Level 8 suitcases and make a purchase, you can click here.

Furthermore, I highly recommend utilizing packing cubes, especially if you plan to live out of a backpack for several weeks or months, or if you simply want to maintain better organization within your suitcase. Packing cubes come in various sizes, enabling you to neatly store items of all dimensions. They prove to be immensely helpful in easily locating specific items within your backpack or suitcase, enhancing overall convenience during your travels.

3. Pack light.

An effective strategy when packing is to create a list of essential items, and then challenge yourself to reduce it by half. This approach ensures that you only pack the absolute necessities. Furthermore, with a smaller backpack as recommended earlier, you naturally have limited space, which discourages overpacking. Remember, take only half the clothes you initially think you'll need, as you'll likely find that you require less than anticipated. Wearing the same t-shirt for a few consecutive days is perfectly acceptable while traveling.

Unbound Merino is a brand I highly recommend, particularly for their travel clothing. Their garments can be worn daily for weeks without developing unpleasant odors. Not only are they incredibly lightweight, but they also boast a stylish appearance. The material used is comfortable, and these garments require minimal washing, making them ideal for extended travel. Additionally, Unbound Merino clothing has exceptional durability, ensuring they last for a long time.

4. But take extra socks.

Indeed, it's essential to consider potential factors like laundry mishaps, wear and tear, and engaging in activities such as hiking that may require additional clothing changes. In light of these circumstances, having some extra clothing can prove to be beneficial. It's wise to pack a few more items than you anticipate needing. Trust me, it's always refreshing to have a fresh pair of socks on hand when you need them the most!

5. Take an extra bank card and credit card with you

Disasters can occur, and unfortunate incidents like theft or hacking can disrupt your travel plans. I've personally experienced having a card duplicated and subsequently frozen, rendering it unusable for the duration of my trip. In such situations, having a backup plan becomes crucial. It's essential to carry an extra card or alternative means of accessing funds to avoid being stranded in an unfamiliar place without financial resources. I once had a friend who encountered a similar situation and had to borrow money for an extended period while waiting for a replacement card to arrive. Being prepared with backup options is essential to ensure a smooth and hassle-free travel experience.

6. Make sure to use no-fee bank cards.

To maximize your travel budget, it's advisable to avoid unnecessary fees imposed by banks. Instead of allowing banks to deduct your hard-earned money, it's wise to allocate those funds for your travel experiences. One way to achieve this is by obtaining credit and debit cards that do not impose foreign transaction fees or ATM fees. Over the course of an extended trip, the cumulative effect of these small charges can significantly impact your overall expenses. By selecting fee-free cards, you can retain more of your money and allocate it towards fulfilling your travel aspirations.

7. Travel by yourself at least once.

Embarking on solo travel not only presents an opportunity for exploration but also facilitates personal growth and independence. It may sound cliché, but it holds true: solo travel enables you to discover valuable insights about yourself. Throughout your solo journeys, you will learn how to rely on your own abilities, engage with people from various backgrounds, and navigate unfamiliar situations with confidence. This experience fosters a sense of self-assurance and allows you to become comfortable in your own company. Moreover, solo travel provides a space for self-discovery, revealing your capabilities and pushing you to step outside your comfort zone. Embracing discomfort and surprising yourself in the process can lead to acquiring valuable life skills and personal development. Therefore, I highly encourage you to embark on a solo travel adventure at least once in your life, as it can be truly transformative.

8. Don’t be afraid to use a map.

It's important to prioritize your safety and avoid finding yourself in unfamiliar or potentially risky areas. While appearing like a tourist might not be ideal, it is certainly preferable to getting lost or ending up in the wrong neighborhood. Don't hesitate to use a map or ask for directions when needed, even if it reveals that you're a tourist. Remember, everyone starts as a tourist in a new place, and seeking guidance is a common and reasonable practice. Putting your safety first and ensuring you reach your intended destination is paramount, regardless of how you may appear to others. So, embrace the fact that you are a traveler and utilize the tools available to navigate your way effectively.

9. But don’t be afraid to get purposefully lost.

Exploring a new city aimlessly can indeed lead to wonderful discoveries and a deeper understanding of the local culture. It provides an opportunity to venture off the beaten path and escape the crowded tourist areas. By meandering through the streets without relying on digital navigation tools like Google Maps, you open yourself up to unexpected encounters and stumble upon hidden gems that may not be found in guidebooks or popular tourist itineraries. This form of travel encourages the art of discovery, allowing you to immerse yourself in the authentic essence of a place. Embrace the serendipity of wandering and remain open to the possibility of stumbling upon unique and enchanting spots during your explorations.

10. Always visit the local tourism information center.

One of the most underrated travel tips is to utilize tourism information centers in the places you visit. These centers are invaluable sources of knowledge, equipped with comprehensive information about local events, free activities, and everything in between. They can guide you to special events happening during your stay and provide discounts on attractions and transportation. Their primary goal is to enhance your experience of the destination, making them an essential resource for savvy travelers like yourself. It's astonishing how many travelers overlook this valuable resource, but you understand the significance of tapping into these centers to enrich your travel journey. Make a point to seek out and utilize tourism information centers to make the most of your visit and gain insider knowledge about the destination.

11. Don’t buy a money belt — they’re stupid.

Tourists should be aware that thieves are aware of the presence of tourism information centers, and carrying visible evidence of visiting one can make them a target. It sends a message that says, "I am a tourist with money, ripe for exploitation!" Therefore, it is advantageous to blend in and adopt behaviors that mimic the local residents, as this will facilitate better deals and help avoid encounters with opportunistic individuals. To minimize concerns about pickpocketing, it is advisable to remain vigilant and keep a close eye on personal belongings.

12. When you go out, take only what you need.

To mitigate potential risks, it is advisable to limit the amount of cash and bank cards you carry while venturing out. By doing so, you ensure that in the event of loss or theft, the impact can be easily managed and recovered from. It is recommended to carry no more than one credit card and one ATM card with you at a time. Additionally, setting a personal rule to carry a maximum of $50 USD in cash can help minimize potential losses. By adhering to these practices, you can enhance your security and safeguard your financial resources while exploring unfamiliar surroundings.

13. Always carry a lock.

When traveling, it is advisable to carry a compact combination lock with you, especially when staying in dormitory-style accommodations. Many hostels provide lockers for guests to store their belongings, but budget travelers are typically required to provide their own lock for added security. While some hostels offer lock rentals or sales, it is often more cost-effective to purchase your own lock before your trip. However, it is important to opt for a combination lock rather than one with keys to avoid the risk of losing the keys and compromising the security of your belongings. By following this advice, you can ensure the safety of your possessions while staying in shared accommodations.

14. Make extra copies of your passport and important documents.

In addition to carrying physical copies of important documents while traveling, it is highly recommended to email copies to yourself as well. This practice serves as an additional backup in case you need access to documentation but don't want to carry the originals. Moreover, having digital copies of your documents, such as your passport, can be extremely helpful when filing a police report in the unfortunate event of theft or loss. By sending yourself copies via email, you can easily retrieve them from anywhere with an internet connection, ensuring that you have access to vital information when needed.

15. Ask hostel staff for information — even when you aren’t staying there.

Hostel staff members possess extensive knowledge and experience in catering to budget travelers on a daily basis. They are well-versed in recommending affordable dining options and attractions in the area. Additionally, as many hostel staff members are locals themselves, they possess valuable insights about the city and its surroundings. Don't hesitate to approach them and inquire about various aspects of your travel. Even if you are not staying at a particular hostel, you can still visit and seek their assistance. In most cases, they are more than willing to provide helpful information and guidance to travelers, making your visit more enjoyable and cost-effective. Take advantage of their expertise and make the most of their local insights by engaging with hostel staff during your travels.

16. Learn basic phrases in the native language of your destination.

Making an effort to learn a few basic phrases in the local language can greatly enhance your interactions and create positive experiences with locals during your travels. While you don't need to become fluent, knowing simple greetings such as "Hello," "Goodbye," and "Thank you!" can go a long way in showing respect and appreciation. Additionally, knowing how to ask for essential information like "Where's the bathroom?" can be incredibly useful in navigating daily situations. Even if your pronunciation isn't perfect, locals will appreciate the effort you put into learning and trying to communicate in their language. It fosters a sense of goodwill and can lead to more meaningful connections and smoother interactions with the local community. So, embrace the opportunity to learn a few phrases, and you'll find that it can make your travel experiences more enjoyable and rewarding.

17. Read a history book!

To truly grasp the essence of a place, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with its history. Delve into the destinations you plan to visit by immersing yourself in relevant reading material. By doing so, you will gain a profound understanding of the place you're exploring. With the convenience of a Kindle or similar e-reader, you can carry an extensive library of books in one portable device. This ensures that you'll never be without captivating reading material, whether you're in transit or enjoying a relaxing day at the beach. By taking the time to read up on your destinations, you'll unlock a deeper connection to the present by unraveling the tapestry of the past.

18. Don’t be ashamed to walk into a Starbucks or McDonald’s.

Finding familiarity while traveling can bring a sense of comfort, and fortunately, many places offer amenities like free Wi-Fi and public restrooms. Whether you're in a Starbucks, a library, or even certain coffee shops, you can often access complimentary Wi-Fi to stay connected and browse the internet. Additionally, these establishments usually provide public restrooms for convenience.

However, when it comes to dining options, it's worth noting that fast food chains like McDonald's may not always offer the most appealing or healthy choices. While they can be a familiar sight, it's often more rewarding to explore local eateries and indulge in authentic cuisine that reflects the unique flavors of the destination you're visiting. So, while McDonald's may provide familiar comforts, venturing out to try local food can be a more fulfilling and authentic experience during your travels.

19. Don’t fly direct.

When making flight bookings, it's worth considering the option of flying into airports near your final destination and then utilizing alternative modes of transportation like trains, buses, or budget airlines to reach your desired location. This approach can often lead to cost savings.

To employ this strategy, begin by comparing the prices of direct flights to your destination. Then, explore the costs of flying into nearby airports. If the price difference exceeds $150 USD, it's worth examining the expenses involved in traveling from the secondary airport to your primary destination.

For this purpose, I highly recommend two flight search engines:

By utilizing these flight search engines, you can explore alternative routes and save money on your travel expenses.

20. Always get behind business travelers when in security lines.

They are experienced and efficient travelers who are often on the move with minimal baggage. Their familiarity with the process enables them to navigate swiftly. Whenever possible, position yourself behind these seasoned travelers in queues or lines. By doing so, you'll benefit from their pace and efficiency, allowing you to expedite your own journey through the line.

21. Never get behind families in airport security.

Due to the nature of traveling with children, families often require more time to go through various processes. It's important to recognize that it's not their fault, as they have additional items and responsibilities to manage. If you prefer to avoid waiting for an extended period, it's advisable to steer clear of lines or queues where there are a significant number of families with young children. This will help you minimize your waiting time and proceed more quickly through the line.

22. When you check in to the hotel, don’t be afraid to ask for an upgrade.

Hotel staff often have the flexibility to assign upgrades during the check-in process. It's worth trying your luck and politely asking for an upgrade, especially if the hotel isn't fully booked. Being kind and courteous can go a long way in increasing your chances of securing an upgrade.

Additionally, if you frequently stay in hotels or plan to do so, it may be beneficial to consider obtaining a hotel credit card. These cards allow you to earn points on your everyday expenses and convert them into complimentary stays. The top-tier hotel credit cards often come with elevated membership status, which enhances the likelihood of receiving upgrades and additional perks during your hotel stays.

23. Write down your experiences.

In this era of advanced technology, I firmly believe that writing plays a crucial role in documenting our travels and providing us with nostalgic memories. That's why I always carry a journal with me whenever I embark on a journey. Journals serve multiple purposes for me - not only do they assist me in my work by capturing notes and ideas, but they also serve as a valuable tool for recording my travel experiences.

For travel journaling, I find that simple and practical journals are ideal. They allow me to jot down important logistical information such as directions, contact details, and language tips. However, if you desire a travel journal that offers more than just blank pages, but also includes space for itinerary planning, language phrases, inspirational quotes, and other features tailored to the needs of travelers, I highly recommend our new travel journal. It has been thoughtfully designed to cater specifically to travelers, enabling you to capture notes, write captivating stories, and reflect upon your journeys.

24. Lunchtime is the best time to visit historical sites.

Embrace the contrarian approach to traveling. By doing so, you'll find yourself navigating through fewer crowds and avoiding the hustle and bustle caused by tour buses, groups, and the majority of travelers who converge during lunchtime. The key is to visit attractions during off-peak hours, either early in the morning, late in the day, or when people typically take their meals. By doing this, you'll have the opportunity to experience even the most popular destinations in solitude, enjoying a more intimate and personal connection with the place. So, dare to be a contrarian and explore the world on your own terms, away from the crowds.

25. Never eat in a touristy area or near a tourist attraction.

As a helpful guideline, I typically walk five blocks in either direction when searching for a place to eat. By venturing a bit further from the main tourist attractions, you can often find more reasonably priced options with better food quality and service. To discover local favorites, utilize online resources such as Yelp, Google Maps, or Open Rice, which provide reviews and recommendations for restaurants in the area.

Furthermore, it's advisable to avoid dining establishments where the menu is available in multiple languages. Such places are typically geared towards tourists and may not offer an authentic dining experience. Instead, seek out eateries where the menu is presented in the local language, as this indicates a higher likelihood of catering to the local community.

26. Locals don’t eat out every night and neither should you.

Consider going grocery shopping during your travels. It's an excellent way to gain insight into the local diet and food preferences of the residents. Observing the items locals purchase can provide valuable cultural insights. Additionally, shopping for groceries allows you to save a significant amount of money compared to dining out for every meal. Embrace the opportunity to cook your own meals during your travels, as it not only helps you cut costs but also allows you to experiment with new flavors and dishes, providing a delightful and surprising culinary experience.

27. Eat at expensive restaurants during lunch.

Take advantage of lunch specials at upscale restaurants during your travels. These establishments often offer the same high-quality dishes they serve for dinner at a significantly reduced price during lunchtime. It's a fantastic opportunity to savor exquisite cuisine without breaking the bank. By opting for lunch instead of dinner, you can enjoy a satisfying dining experience at a fraction of the cost, allowing you to indulge in the local culinary scene while staying within your budget.

28. Pack a headlamp.

A headlamp is a valuable tool for backpackers, hikers, and campers alike. It serves multiple purposes and comes in handy in various situations. When staying in a hostel, a headlamp allows you to check in or out without disturbing other travelers by turning on the lights. Additionally, it proves to be useful during emergencies when you need a reliable source of hands-free lighting. Whether you're exploring the great outdoors or navigating through dimly lit spaces, having a headlamp ensures convenience, practicality, and safety.

29. Carry a basic first-aid kit.

It's important to be prepared for accidents during your travels. I recommend carrying essential items such as band-aids, antibacterial cream, and ointments to treat minor cuts and scrapes. These basic medical supplies can come in handy when you least expect it, and they may not always be readily available at your destination. You have the option to either assemble your own first aid kit by following some helpful tips, or you can purchase a pre-made kit online for convenience and peace of mind. Having a well-equipped first aid kit ensures that you're prepared to handle minor injuries and maintain your well-being while traveling.

30. Don’t believe the cheap flight myths.

Avoid driving yourself crazy in pursuit of the absolute cheapest airfare. There are numerous myths circulating online about securing the best flight deals, but there isn't a single magic solution or secret trick. Booking on a specific day of the week or using an incognito window won't necessarily yield lower prices.

Spending excessive time and effort to save a mere $10 can lead to unnecessary stress. When you come across a flight deal that satisfies you, it's advisable to book it promptly because airfares fluctuate constantly. It's worth noting that most airlines offer a 24-hour cancellation window, allowing you to cancel if needed.

Remember to strike a balance between finding a reasonable fare and avoiding excessive stress in the pursuit of minor savings.

31. Stay in hostels.

Hostels offer affordable accommodations, organize events, provide opportunities to meet fellow travelers, and are generally a lot of fun. Additionally, hostel bars often serve inexpensive beer. When it comes to booking hostels, Hostelworld is widely regarded as the best platform, offering the largest inventory, user-friendly search interface, and high availability. I personally use it for all my hostel bookings.

If you're planning to backpack through Europe, I recommend considering HostelPass, a card that grants you discounts of up to 20% at hostels across the continent. It's an excellent way to save money, and the list of participating hostels is continually expanding. Having wished for such a program in the past, I'm thrilled that it now exists to benefit budget travelers like myself.

32. Use Meetup, the sharing economy, and hospitality websites to meet locals.

These websites offer a unique opportunity to gain insider knowledge and connect with locals in the destinations you visit. Thanks to the sharing economy, travel has been transformed, enabling you to meet local residents, explore beyond tourist hotspots, and save a significant amount of money. It's a triple win for travelers, and personally, I frequently utilize these resources during my own adventures.

33. Be open to strangers.

Don't be afraid to initiate conversations with people you meet during your travels. Greet them warmly and acknowledge that, like you, they have their own aspirations and desires for a fulfilling life. Remember that they are fellow human beings with unique stories and experiences. By reaching out and connecting with others, you may be pleasantly surprised and even forge lifelong friendships along the way.

34. But keep your guard up.

While it's important to be open and friendly while traveling, it's also essential to maintain a level of caution and skepticism. Not everyone you encounter will have good intentions, so it's wise to be mindful of potential travel scams and avoid putting yourself in uncomfortable or risky situations. By striking a balance between openness and caution, you can better protect yourself and ensure a safer travel experience.

35. Try new food.

Embracing the local cuisine can be a delightful and adventurous part of traveling. Instead of hesitating or questioning unfamiliar dishes, it can be rewarding to approach them with an open mind and give them a try. By putting aside any preconceptions and allowing yourself to explore new flavors and culinary experiences, you might discover unique and delicious dishes that you would have otherwise missed out on.

36. Avoid taxis.

Taxis can often be expensive and eat into your travel budget. It's advisable to consider alternative transportation options before resorting to taking a taxi. Public transportation systems such as buses, trains, or trams can be more cost-effective and provide an opportunity to experience the local culture. Additionally, walking or cycling can be viable options for shorter distances, allowing you to save money while enjoying the surroundings. However, there may be situations where taking a taxi is necessary, such as late at night or in certain locations with limited transportation options. In such cases, it's important to balance convenience and cost-effectiveness.

37. Take a reusable water bottle through airport security and fill it up at your gate.

In many countries, single-use plastics are prevalent and contribute to environmental pollution, particularly in our oceans. To reduce your environmental impact and save money, opt for tap water whenever it is safe to do so. Drinking tap water not only eliminates the need for single-use plastic bottles but also helps minimize plastic waste.

However, in places where tap water is not potable, it's important to have a sustainable solution. Investing in a water bottle with a built-in filter, such as Lifestraw, can provide you with safe drinking water while reducing the need for single-use plastic bottles. These filters help remove impurities and make water from various sources suitable for consumption. By using a filtered water bottle, you can stay hydrated without contributing to plastic waste.

38. Take free walking tours.

Taking walking tours when you travel is not only cost-effective but also provides a wonderful opportunity to familiarize yourself with the city and gain valuable insights. These tours, whether free or paid, offer a great orientation and background of the destination you're visiting.

Free walking tours are fantastic options as they give you a general overview of the city while allowing you to interact with knowledgeable guides. You can ask questions, engage in discussions, and learn fascinating facts about the place you're exploring. These tours are an excellent way to make the most of your time and gain a deeper understanding of the local culture and history.

However, if you're looking for a more in-depth experience or wish to focus on a specific aspect of the destination, it can be worthwhile to invest in a paid walking tour. Companies like Walks offer paid walking tours with expert guides who provide detailed historical and cultural insights. These tours often include exclusive access and behind-the-scenes experiences, allowing you to delve deeper into the city's heritage and hidden gems.

For food enthusiasts, Devour Food Tours specializes in culinary experiences, offering a range of mouth-watering food tours in various European cities. These tours provide an opportunity to indulge in local cuisine, explore culinary traditions, and discover hidden foodie hotspots.

Whether you opt for free or paid walking tours, both offer unique and enriching experiences that can enhance your travel adventures and provide a deeper connection to the places you visit.

39. Get city attraction cards.

When planning to explore numerous museums and attractions within a limited timeframe, opting for a city pass can help you save money on admission fees (and often includes complimentary public transportation as well!).

40. Take pictures of your luggage and clothes.

Attaching a unique and easily recognizable luggage tag to your bag can greatly facilitate its identification in case of loss and expedite the process of filing a claim with your travel insurance provider for reimbursement.

41. Carry emergency cash.

To prepare for unexpected situations like difficulty finding an ATM or unforeseen expenses, it's advisable to carry a reasonable amount of emergency cash, such as around $200 USD. Having this emergency fund can provide peace of mind and ensure that you have a backup plan in case you encounter unexpected circumstances while traveling.

42. Get good shoes.

Taking care of your feet is essential when traveling, as you'll be doing a lot of walking. Show your feet some love, and they'll reward you with memorable adventures.

For comfortable and versatile footwear, I highly recommend Suavs shoes. These shoes are not only durable but also suitable for all-day exploration in a new city. They strike a perfect balance between comfort and style, allowing you to dress them up for evening outings. Investing in quality footwear like Suavs will ensure that your feet remain happy and ready to take you to incredible places during your travels.

43. Get vaccinated.

It's important to prioritize your health and take necessary precautions when traveling, especially when it comes to potential illnesses and vaccination requirements. While personal opinions on vaccinations may vary, certain countries have specific regulations that mandate visitors to be vaccinated in order to enter. Therefore, regardless of your stance on the matter, it's essential to be aware of and comply with any vaccination requirements that apply to your destination. Taking proactive measures to protect your health ensures a smoother and more enjoyable travel experience.

44. Learn to haggle.

Haggling can be an enjoyable and engaging way to avoid being overcharged as a foreigner. It involves the skillful practice of negotiating prices and can be applied not only in marketplaces but also in various aspects of life. Mastering the art of haggling can empower you to seek fair deals and make the most of your resources, both while traveling and in other situations. It's a valuable skill that can enhance your interactions and contribute to a more fulfilling experience overall.

45. Use points and miles for free travel.

You can significantly expand your travel opportunities when you can experience the world without bearing the full financial burden. Travel hacking, the practice of accumulating points and miles through everyday spending, can open up possibilities for free flights, accommodations, train tickets, and other travel expenses. This strategy, employed by seasoned travelers, allows them to reduce their overall travel costs and maximize their travel experiences. By familiarizing yourself with the art of travel hacking, you can tap into these benefits and make your travel dreams more affordable and attainable.

46. Take a jacket.

The temperature drops during the night, and it can become chilly.

47. Eat street food!

Embracing street food is a way to experience the local culture. Don't let fear hold you back. If you're hesitant, observe where locals, especially children, are enjoying street food. If it's deemed safe for them, it's likely safe for you as well.

48. Get travel insurance.

Travel insurance is an essential investment that you hope to never use, yet it provides crucial protection in case of unexpected events. It safeguards you from potential financial burdens, such as high medical bills, trip cancellations, lost belongings, or the need for emergency evacuation. With comprehensive coverage, travel insurance is one of the wisest investments you can make for your trip, often costing just a few dollars per day.

Consider the risks involved: imagine getting robbed, experiencing flight disruptions, falling ill or getting injured, or requiring medical assistance abroad. Without travel insurance, you could be left with substantial expenses that could ruin your trip and strain your finances. Don't underestimate the importance of having reliable coverage.

Let me share a couple of personal anecdotes to emphasize the significance of travel insurance. I had a friend who believed she was invincible but ended up breaking her arm during a trip. Without insurance, she had to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket for medical treatment. On the other hand, I once had to replace my camera and deal with a popped eardrum while scuba diving, and thankfully, my insurance covered the costs.

When it comes to choosing a travel insurance provider, consider reputable companies that offer suitable options for your needs. SafetyWing is an excellent choice for budget-conscious travelers seeking basic coverage. They provide affordability, excellent customer service, and a hassle-free claims process. If you're on a tight budget, I highly recommend considering SafetyWing.

For those aged 70 and above, Insure My Trip is a top recommendation, offering insurance tailored to their specific needs. Additionally, Medjet is worth considering as a membership program that offers emergency evacuation coverage in dire situations requiring hospitalization. It serves as a valuable supplement to your regular travel insurance.

Remember, unforeseen events can occur during your trip, regardless of how invincible you may feel. Prioritize your financial protection and explore various travel insurance options to find the best coverage for your specific requirements.

49. Be patient.

Take a moment to breathe and embrace the journey itself, for in the end, everything will fall into place. There's no need to rush through your travels, as you will eventually reach your destination. Remember, travel is not solely about reaching a particular place; it's about the experiences and moments you encounter along the way. So, allow yourself to savor the journey and appreciate the beauty of each step you take.

50. Be respectful.

While locals are often eager to assist you, it's important to remember that language barriers can sometimes pose challenges. In moments when things don't go as planned, it's essential to stay calm and composed. Reacting negatively or becoming frustrated may inadvertently project an unfavorable image of being an unkind or disrespectful tourist. Approach such situations with patience and understanding, seeking alternative ways to communicate and resolve any issues that may arise. By maintaining a positive attitude and showing respect towards the local culture and people, you can foster positive interactions and make the most of your travel experience.

51. Don’t over plan your trip.

Embrace the spontaneity of your travel experience by allowing your days to unfold naturally. Rather than overloading your schedule with numerous activities, aim to plan two or three key things and leave room for unexpected discoveries. By adopting this approach, you can alleviate stress and open yourself up to the serendipitous moments that often make for the most memorable experiences. Embrace the freedom of letting the day guide you, and you'll find that it's one of the most rewarding ways to explore and truly immerse yourself in your destination.

52. Relax.

Exercise patience during your travels.

53. Be frugal — but not cheap.

Strike a balance between saving money and experiencing memorable moments. Seek out good deals, but don't sacrifice valuable experiences or waste time in pursuit of minor savings. Time is valuable, so use it wisely.

54. Take earplugs.

Earplugs are essential for a comfortable stay in a hostel, where snorers can be found in abundance and a good night's sleep is crucial.

However, even if you're not staying in a hostel, earplugs are still valuable for ensuring quality sleep in accommodations situated on busy streets or during overnight journeys on buses, trains, and other modes of transportation. Prioritizing a restful sleep is invaluable, so it's wise to come prepared.

Opt for reusable earplugs, as they are more effective than inexpensive foam ones in blocking out disruptive sounds.

55. Always carry a power bank.

Don't let your good mood fade away when your electronic devices run out of battery.

When traveling, we often carry multiple electronic devices such as phones and tablets, making it challenging to keep them all charged. However, you can easily overcome this issue by having an external battery. It serves as a convenient solution to ensure that your devices stay powered up, allowing you to maintain your positive vibes throughout your journey.

56. Remember that you’re not alone even if you’re traveling solo.

Traveling alone doesn't mean you're truly alone. Wherever you venture, there exists a network of fellow travelers ready to be your friends, offer advice, share tips, and lend a helping hand. They will serve as your guides, pointing you in the right direction and acting as mentors. You are never truly on your own as you embark on your journey, as you'll forge numerous friendships and create unforgettable memories.

If you feel uncertain about traveling solo for the first time, you have the option to join a group tour. Organizations like The Nomadic Network provide carefully crafted itineraries that encompass the must-see attractions, take you off the beaten path, and facilitate connections with both fellow travelers and locals. These group tours offer a wonderful opportunity to embark on an adventure while still enjoying the support and camaraderie of like-minded individuals.

57. Take photos of and with people.

Capture the moments and the people that make your travels unforgettable by taking plenty of photos. As time goes by, you'll appreciate being able to reminisce about those nights filled with laughter and the friendships that enriched your journey. Preserve the memories that may become hazy with time, so you can relive those cherished moments and the connections that made them special.

58. Sign up for flight deals.

To cut down on your travel expenses, focus on reducing the cost of your flights, which often make up a significant portion of your budget. One way to achieve this is by subscribing to flight deal websites. By doing so, you'll receive notifications about fantastic flight deals directly in your inbox, helping you save both time and money. Additionally, signing up for airline newsletters is beneficial as they often announce sales and promotions in advance, allowing you to secure the best deals before others. The best websites for finding travel deals are:

59. Pre-book your tickets to attractions, activities, and excursions online.

To maximize savings and convenience, it's advisable to book activities and excursions online before your trip. Booking online often provides discounted prices compared to purchasing in person, allowing you to save money. Additionally, online bookings typically offer the option to pay with a credit card, providing extra protection and the opportunity to earn travel points.

Furthermore, many popular attractions offer the option to reserve your spot in advance and skip the long lines. It's recommended to check online if this option is available for the attractions you plan to visit. By pre-booking and skipping the line, you can avoid wasting hours waiting and make the most of your time exploring. Popular online platforms like Get Your Guide offer a wide range of options for tours and excursions in cities worldwide, including skip-the-line attraction tickets, cooking classes, walking tours, and more. It's a convenient way to plan and secure your activities in advance.

60. Avoid TripAdvisor.

While TripAdvisor can be useful for obtaining basic information like opening hours or addresses, it's important to approach its reviews with caution. It's common for people to leave negative reviews when they have a bad experience, while positive experiences often go unreviewed, resulting in a skewed representation.

Furthermore, the issue of fake reviews is prevalent on platforms like TripAdvisor. Some establishments employ tactics to artificially boost their ratings and create a misleading perception of their quality. Additionally, there have been instances where TripAdvisor has removed overly negative reviews or those related to sensitive topics like sexual assault.

Given these concerns, it's advisable to use TripAdvisor with discretion and consider alternative sources for reviews and recommendations. Exploring a variety of trusted platforms, seeking recommendations from locals or fellow travelers, and utilizing online travel communities can provide a more balanced and reliable perspective on accommodations, restaurants, and attractions.

61. Finally, wear sunscreen.

For as the Baz Luhrmann song “Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)” goes:
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.
The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists
Whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable
Than my own meandering experience.


There you have it! My top travel tips! Follow them and you’ll be the best traveler you can be in no time flat!